Gerbils vs Hamsters vs Guinea Pigs: Which Is the Best Pet for You?

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When it comes to choosing a small pet, there are many options to consider. Gerbils, hamsters, and guinea pigs are all popular choices, but each has its own unique characteristics. Gerbils are more social and active than hamsters and guinea pigs, making them a good choice for pet owners who want a more interactive pet. However, each animal has its own needs and requirements, so it’s important to do your research before making a decision.

If you’re looking for a furry friend to keep as a pet, there are many options available. Gerbils, hamsters and guinea pigs all make great companions – but which one is best suited to your lifestyle?

It’s important to consider the unique characteristics of each animal when making your decision. When it comes to gerbils vs. hamsters vs. guinea pigs, gerbils tend to be more active and social than their rodent counterparts.

In this article, we’ll explore why that is so, and how these differences should factor into your choice of pet.

Gerbils As Pets

Gerbils make great pets, as they are active and social animals. They can be easily trained to recognize their owners and enjoy interacting with them. Gerbils have a diet that consists of vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, seeds, and other small insects.

When kept in an appropriate environment with the needed supplies for exercise and stimulation, gerbils will thrive.

In terms of behavior, gerbils tend to be more playful than hamsters or guinea pigs. Unlike hamsters who prefer solitary lifestyles, gerbils are quite sociable creatures that often live together in large groups without fighting over territory. This makes it easy for multiple people to interact with gerbils at the same time.

Furthermore, if provided with play toys such as tunnels or balls filled with treats inside them, gerbils can keep themselves entertained all day long.

For those looking to adopt a pet rodent but want something different from traditional options like hamsters or guinea pigs, then gerbil is a suitable option that requires little maintenance yet provides plenty of fun and entertainment for its owners. With proper care and attention given to their dietary needs as well as providing enough interaction opportunities on a daily basis, gerbils can become loyal friends and companions for years to come!

Moving onto another popular choice among pet rodents – hamsters – they too offer many benefits when it comes to choosing a furry companion.

Hamsters As Pets

Hamsters make great pets due to their small size, low maintenance requirements and playful personalities. They are also relatively inexpensive which makes them a popular choice for families with children.

When it comes to housing requirements, hamsters need plenty of space in the form of an enclosure that is at least two times as long as they are, as well as several inches tall (depending on species). The enclosure should have plenty of items for play and burrowing, such as tubes and tunnels.

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In terms of feeding needs, hamsters tend to be omnivorous but mostly prefer dry food like nuts, seeds or pellets. Fresh fruits and vegetables can also be offered occasionally. Additionally, some owners choose to give treats such as yogurt drops and honey sticks sparingly.

Here is a list summarizing what you will need when it comes to owning a pet hamster:

  • A spacious cage/enclosure
  • Bedding material
  • Toys & enrichment activities
  • Dry food plus occasional fresh produce

Overall, caring for a pet hamster can be quite rewarding since they typically become very attached to their owners over time. With proper care and regular interaction your hamster could live up to three years! Ready to move onto guinea pigs?

Guinea Pigs As Pets

Hamsters are popular pets because they’re small, easy to care for and relatively inexpensive. However, if you’re looking for a more interactive pet, guinea pigs may be the perfect choice.

They need plenty of space that allows them to move around as well as housing requirements that meet their specific needs.

Guinea pigs can also form strong bonds with their owners, providing lots of entertainment through playtime and cuddles.

When it comes to diet, guinea pigs require fresh vegetables in addition to hay and pelleted feed specifically formulated for guinea pigs.

It’s important not to overfeed your guinea pig or feed them only one type of food since this will lead to nutritional deficiencies or obesity.

You should also provide your pet with vitamin C supplements as part of its daily routine since guinea pigs cannot produce it on their own.

Guinea pigs have friendly personalities and tend to bond well with other animals such as cats, dogs and even rabbits – making them great companions when grouped together correctly.

Additionally, they are quite active during the day which makes them fun little creatures to watch out for!

When interacting with your pet make sure that you keep an eye on any potential health problems such as skin infections or respiratory issues so you can get help from a veterinarian quickly if needed.

Overall, guinea pigs make wonderful pets for those who want something different than a hamster but still don’t mind taking on extra responsibility in terms of dietary needs and housing requirements.

With proper care these adorable animals can thrive in captivity while bringing joy into the lives of their owners – now let’s look at how gerbils compare to both hamsters and guinea pigs when it comes to activity level and social behavior.

Gerbils Vs. Hamsters Vs. Guinea Pigs

Gerbils, hamsters and guinea pigs are all popular small pets that offer their owners companionship. However, the differences between these three animals go beyond size and appearance.

Housing requirements for gerbils, hamsters and guinea pigs vary greatly due to their various needs; gerbils need large enclosures with plenty of space to move around, while hamster cages should be enclosed securely as they tend to escape more easily than other rodents. Guinea pig housing must also be secure but include enough room for them to stretch out and move about comfortably.

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Feeding habits can also differ significantly between these types of pet rodents. Gerbils enjoy a diet consisting mainly of grains such as wheat or oats, along with some fresh fruits and vegetables. Hamsters typically require a greater variety in their diets compared to gerbils, including hay, seeds and nuts as well as fresh produce like carrots or broccoli. Guinea pigs on the other hand have specific dietary needs that involve ample amounts of hay and fresh greens every day so it is important to research what your particular type of guinea pig requires before you commit to taking one home.

The activity level of gerbils, hamsters and guinea pigs can range from very active to relatively sedentary depending on the breed or species involved. Generally speaking however, gerbils usually take the crown when it comes to energy levels since they’re known for being quite social creatures who prefer running around rather than simply sleeping all day long like many other rodent varieties do. As far as exercise goes though, both hamsters and guinea pigs will still appreciate having opportunities for physical activities throughout the day if possible even if it doesn’t come naturally for them like it does for gerbils.

All three kinds of pet rodents bring something unique to the table when it comes down to deciding which one might make a good companion animal for you – whether its an energetic gerbil eager for interaction or a calmer guinea pig content just lounging around in its cage – each has its own distinct personality traits that can surprise us in unexpected ways! Activity level is only one factor worth considering when making this decision; there’s much more that goes into choosing the right furry friend so always do your research beforehand and choose wisely!

Activity Level Of Gerbils, Hamsters And Guinea Pigs

Gerbils, hamsters and guinea pigs are all popular small animals that make wonderful pets. However, there is a distinct difference between their activity levels.

According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), gerbils are more active than both hamsters and guinea pigs, with an average energy level of 8-10 on a scale of 1-10; in comparison, hamsters have an average energy rating of 5-7 and guinea pigs rate at only 2-4.

The size of the enclosure can have a large impact on this activity level as well. Gerbils need larger enclosures than either hamsters or guinea pigs in order to be able to engage in activities such as running and jumping. A proper sized cage should allow them plenty of room to run around while also providing enough space for hiding spots, so they don’t feel exposed when sleeping or resting. The design of the enclosure is important too – gerbils prefer multi-level cages with ramps connecting each floor for climbing and exercising.

It’s also important to note that gerbils sleep during the day rather than at night like other rodents do, so it’s best not to disturb them during those times if possible. Additionally, because gerbils love to dig, having items such as tunnels made from cardboard tubes will help keep them entertained throughout the day without taking up much extra space within the enclosure itself.

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Providing these items along with adequate exercise opportunities will ensure your gerbil has enough physical stimulation and mental enrichment on a daily basis which further adds to their overall health and happiness.

With careful consideration given towards cage size, design and contents, you’ll find yourself seeing your pet fully engaged in its environment every single day!

Social Interaction With Gerbils, Hamsters And Guinea Pigs

Gerbils, hamsters and guinea pigs are all popular pet choices for those looking to add a small furry friend to their home. Each of these animals have unique personalities that make them great companions in different ways.

When it comes to comparing gerbils vs. hamsters vs. guinea pigs, there are some differences worth noting:

  • Gerbils: Gerbils tend to be more active than other small pets due to their higher energy level and inquisitive nature. They can also be very social creatures who enjoy interacting with humans and other gerbils alike. Gerbils do best when they have plenty of space to explore and play so larger cages or tanks with multiple levels is recommended for maximum enjoyment from your pet!
  • Hamsters: In comparison, hamsters can be quite solitary preferring their own company over others. These cute critters thrive on routine and love having designated spots for everything like food, water, bedding etc., which makes them relatively easy pets to care for but less interactive overall then gerbil counterparts.
  • Guinea Pigs: Guinea pigs also require lots of attention from owners making them ideal pets for families with children as long as proper safety precautions are taken when handling the animal. Since they don’t move around much, guinea pigs need bigger enclosures than either gerbils or hamsters in order to give them enough room to exercise and roam freely without feeling cramped up.

When considering adding one of these adorable creatures into your life, it is important to understand the nuances between each species before deciding which one is right for you!

Training any of these little furballs requires patience and repetition; however, if done correctly most will turn out well-mannered and an enjoyable companion that brings joy every day!


In conclusion, gerbils are a great pet choice if you’re looking for an active and social creature. They have much higher activity levels than hamsters or guinea pigs and they love interacting with people!

Gerbils also form strong bonds with their owners, so it’s important to spend quality time playing with them every day. As the saying goes: ‘A happy gerbil makes a happy home!’

With proper care and attention, your gerbil will be sure to bring joy into your family for years to come.

Jimmy Bowman
Jimmy Bowman
Jimmy Bowman's love for hamsters led him to create, a website designed to provide hamster owners with the knowledge and tools they need to keep their pets healthy and happy.

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